You’ve worked so hard to plan the wedding of your dreams and want to ensure that you’re hiring a photographer who meets your expectations, will deliver the results (memories!) you want, and is within budget. It’s easy to be overwhelmed comparing all the different options against each other, and even the different packages each photographer offers. Keep it all straight in our Wedding Photographer Comparison Tool!
With this spreadsheet, you can document details for up to 10 different photographers, in a consistent format among each one. Want to compare 2 of them side by side? Use the convenient built-in comparison table!
The tool comes with an instruction tab and the photographer comparison tab. Pre-populated comparative categories include General Info, Package 1, Package 2, Package 3, Add-Ons, Questions to Ask When Interviewing, Payment Details, and Review Notes. If you need to change-up the criteria, you can do so.
While this was created with wedding planning mind, this spreadsheet tool can be used for any event planning that requires a photographer search (you may just need to edit the criteria a little).
You will receive INSTANT DOWNLOADS of the following:
1 – Microsoft Excel version
2 – PDF with Google Sheets version link
*No physical product will be mailed.
Need to compare other vendors? Check out our Vendor Comparison Bundle where you can get purchase all of our different vendor comparison tools at a discount!
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